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      • 姓名: 李元
      • 性別: 男
      • 職務(wù): 
      • 職稱(chēng): 研究員
      • 學(xué)歷: 博士
      • 通訊地址: 廣東省廣州市天河區五山科華街511號
      • 電話(huà): 020-85297212
      • 郵政編碼: 510640
      • 傳真: 020-85291510
      • 電子郵件: yuan.li@gig.ac.cn
      •         通過(guò)研究金屬元素和揮發(fā)性元素C-N-S-H的溶解和分配行為來(lái)研究:(1)早期地球、月球、火星、水星的形成過(guò)程和物質(zhì)來(lái)源;(2)核幔、殼幔分異過(guò)程及化學(xué)機制;(3) 殼幔流體與成巖成礦
        高溫高壓實(shí)驗設備: 汽水熱液高壓釜、活塞圓筒、多面砧大壓機、金剛石壓腔等
        分析測試設備: 電子探針、離子探針(SIMS)、紅外光譜、拉曼光譜、LA-ICP-MS、稀有氣體質(zhì)譜等
        長(cháng)期受邀為下列國際期刊/基金審稿: Nature Geoscience, Geochemical Perspectives Letters, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, American Mineralogist, Chemical Geology, Ore Geology Reviews, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Lithos, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, Earth-science Reviews, Geofluids, Elements, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, AGU books, PNAS, Geophysical Research Letter, National Science Foundation (USA), DFG (German Research Foundation).
        課題組與以下單位建立了良好的合作關(guān)系:德國拜羅伊特大學(xué)Bayerisches Geoinsitut (BGI), 美國Rice大學(xué)地球科學(xué)學(xué)院,加州大學(xué)(洛杉磯分校)地球與空間科學(xué)學(xué)院,法國國家研究中心(CNRS),德國GFZ,美國Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,日本東京大學(xué)及英國牛津大學(xué)。
      •  李元,研究員,博士生導師,2006年本科畢業(yè)于合肥工業(yè)大學(xué)地質(zhì)系,2009和2013年分別獲德國拜羅伊特大學(xué)Bayerisches Geoinstitut(BGI) 高溫高壓實(shí)驗地球科學(xué)碩士和博士學(xué)位。2013年9月到2016年5月,在美國Rice大學(xué)地球科學(xué)學(xué)院從事博士后研究工作。從2016年5月開(kāi)始,任中國科學(xué)院廣州地球化學(xué)研究所研究員。國家高層次人才計劃入選者。主要從事實(shí)驗巖石學(xué)、實(shí)驗地球化學(xué)的研究。主要成果包括:(1)系統研究了殼幔條件下大量金屬元素在不同硫化物體系、硅酸鹽體系以及流體體系中的地球化學(xué)行為,揭示了殼幔分異的規律以及礦產(chǎn)資源的形成機制;(2)系統研究了氮的地球化學(xué)行為,限制了地球氮的形成和演化;(3)發(fā)現俯沖帶C-H-O流體不混溶,提出俯沖帶碳循環(huán)機制模型;(4)提出地球碳、硫成因模型。已發(fā)表國際SCI論文30多篇。論文主要發(fā)表在Nature Geoscience, Geochemical Perspectives Letters, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta等期刊 ,被引用近1000次。
        2007-2009:碩士,實(shí)驗地球科學(xué),Bayerisches Geoinstitut, University of Bayreuth, 德國。2009-2013: 博士,實(shí)驗地球科學(xué),Bayerisches Geoinstitut, University of Bayreuth, 德國。2012: 美國加州大學(xué)洛杉磯分校UCLA。
        通過(guò)研究金屬元素和揮發(fā)性元素C-N-S-H的溶解和分配行為來(lái)研究:(1)早期地球、月球、火星、水星的形成過(guò)程和物質(zhì)來(lái)源;(2)核幔、殼幔分異過(guò)程及化學(xué)機制;(3) 殼幔流體與成巖成礦
        高溫高壓實(shí)驗設備: 汽水熱液高壓釜、活塞圓筒、多面砧大壓機、金剛石壓腔等
        分析測試設備: 電子探針、離子探針(SIMS)、紅外光譜、拉曼光譜、LA-ICP-MS、稀有氣體質(zhì)譜等
        長(cháng)期受邀為下列國際期刊/基金審稿: Nature Geoscience, Geochemical Perspectives Letters, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, American Mineralogist, Chemical Geology, Ore Geology Reviews, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Lithos, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, Earth-science Reviews, Geofluids, Elements, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, AGU books, PNAS, Geophysical Research Letter, National Science Foundation (USA), DFG (German Research Foundation).
        課題組與以下單位建立了良好的合作關(guān)系:德國拜羅伊特大學(xué)Bayerisches Geoinsitut (BGI), 美國Rice大學(xué)地球科學(xué)學(xué)院,加州大學(xué)(洛杉磯分校)地球與空間科學(xué)學(xué)院,法國國家研究中心(CNRS),德國GFZ,美國Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,日本東京大學(xué)及英國牛津大學(xué)。
      •  https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=djiKUBQAAAAJ&hl=en
        1. Li, Y., Feng, L., Kiseeva, E.S., Gao, Z., Guo, H., Du, Z., Wang, F. and Shi, L. 2019. An essential role for sulfur in sulfide-silicate melt partitioning of gold and magmatic gold transport at subduction settings. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 528.
        2. Feng, L., Li, Y. 2019. Comparative partitioning of Re and Mo between sulfide phases and silicate melt and implications for the behavior of Re during magmatic processes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 517. 14-25.
        3. Lin, Y., Hui, H., Li, Y., Xu, Y., van Westrenen, W. 2019. Evidence for extensive degassing in the early Moon from a lunar hygrometer based on plagioclase-melt partitioning of water. Geochemical Perspectives Letters. 10, 14-19.
        4. Eguchi, J., Li, Y., Manning, C.E. 2019. Experimental Determination of Calcite Solubility in H2O-KCl-NaCl-LiCl Solutions at 700 °C and 8 kbar. In: Manning, C.E., Lin, J.F., Mao, W.L., Eds, Carbon in Earth's Interior, Geophysical Monograph 249, American Geophysical Union, John Wiley and Sons, p. 245-257.
        5. Grewal, D.S., Dasgupta, R., Holmes, A.K., Costin, G., Li, Y. and Tsuno, K. 2019. The fate of nitrogen during core-mantle separation on Earth. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 251, 87-115.
        6. Li, Y. 2018. Temperature and pressure effects on the partitioning of V and Sc between clinopyroxene and silicate melt: Implications for mantle oxygen fugacity. American Mineralogist. 103, 819-823.
        7. Wang, Z., Becker, H., Liu, Y., Hoffmann, E., Chen, C., Zou, Z., and Li, Y.  2018. Constant Cu/Ag in upper mantle and oceanic crust: Implications for the role of cumulates during the formation of continental crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 493, 25-35.
        8. Mallik, A., Li, Y., Wiedenbeck, M. 2018. Nitrogen evolution within Earth’s atmosphere-mantle system assessed by recycling in subduction zones. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 482, 556-566.
        9. Liu, X., Matsukage, K., Li, Y., Takahashi, E., Suzuki, T., Nishihara, Y., Xiong. X. 2018. Aqueous fluid connectivity in subducting oceanic crust at the mantle transition zone conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 123. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JB015973.
        10. Li, Y., Dasgupta, R., Tsuno, K. 2017. Carbon contents in reduced basalts at graphite saturation: Implications for the degassing of Mars, Mercury, and the Moon. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 122, doi:10.1002/2017JE005289.
        11. Liu, J., Li, Y., Zhou, Z., Ouyang, H. 2017. The Ordovician igneous rocks with high Sr/Y at the Tongshan porphyry Cu-Mo-Au deposit, satellite of the Duobaoshan Deposit, and their metallogenic role. Ore Geology Reviews. 86, 600-614.
        12. Li, Y. 2017. Immiscible C-H-O fluids formed at subduction zone conditions. Geochemical Perspectives Letters. 3, 12-21.
        13. Li, Y., Dasgupta, R., Tsuno, K., Monteleone, B., Shimizu, N.  2016. The carbon and sulfur budget of the silicate Earth explained by the accretion of differentiated planetary embryos. Nature Geoscience. 9, 781-785.
        14. Li, Y. Marty, B., Shcheka, S., Zimmermann, L., Keppler, H. 2016. Nitrogen isotope fractionation during terrestrial core-mantle separation. Geochemical Perspectives Letters. 2, 138-147.
        15. Li, Y., Huang, R., Wiedenbeck, M., Keppler, H. 2015. Nitrogen distribution between magmatic melt and aqueous fluids. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 411, 218-228.
        16. Liu X., Xiong, X., Audetat, A., Li, Y. 2015. Partitioning of Cu between mafic minerals, Fe-Ti oxides and intermediate to felsic melts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 151, 86-102.
        17. Li, Y., Dasgupta, R., Tsuno, K. 2015. The effects of sulfur, silicon, water, and oxygen fugacity on carbon solubility and partitioning in Fe-rich alloy and silicate melt systems at 3 GPa and 1600 °C- Implications for core-mantle differentiation and degassing of magma oceans and reduced planetary mantles. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 415, 54-66.
        18. Li, Y., Audetat, A. 2015. Effects of temperature, silicate melt composition, and oxygen fugacity on the partitioning of V, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Ag, Sn, Sb, W, Au, Pb, and Bi between sulfide phases and silicate melt. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 162,25-45.
        19. Liu, J., Wu, G., Qiu, H., Li, Y. 2014. 40Ar/39Ar dating, fluid inclusions and S-Pb isotope systematics of the Shabaosi gold deposit, Heilongjiang Province, China: A case study of orogenic gold deposits and related tectonic setting. Geological Journal. DOI: 10.1002/gj.2577.
        20. Li, Y., and Keppler, H. 2014. Nitrogen speciation in mantle and crustal fluids. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 129, 13-32.
        21. Liu, X., Xiong, X., Audetat, A., Li, Y., Song, M., Li, L., Sun, W., Ding, X. 2014. Partitioning of copper between olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, spinel, garnet and silicate melts at upper mantle conditions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 125, 1-22.
        22. Li, Y. 2014. Chalcophile element partitioning between sulfide phases and hydrous mantle melt: Applications to mantle melting and the formation of ore deposits. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 94, 77-93.
        23. Li, Y. 2014. Comparative geochemistry of rhenium in oxidized arc magmas and MORB and rhenium partitioning during magmatic differentiation. Chemical Geology. 386, 101-114.
        24. Li, Y., Wiedenbeck, M., Shcheka, S., Keppler, H. 2013. Nitrogen solubility in upper mantle minerals. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 377-378, 311-323.
        25. Gou, H., Steinle-Neumann, G., Bykova, E., Nakajima, Y., Miyajima, N., Li, Y., Ovsyannikov, S., Dubrovinsky, L., and Dubrovinskaia, N. 2013. Stability of MnB2 with AlB2-type structure revealed by first-principles calculations and experiments. Applied Physics Letters. 102, http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4792273.
        26. Li, Y., Audétat, A. 2013. Gold solubility and partitioning between sulfide liquid, monosulfide solid solution, and hydrous mantle melts: Implications for the formation of Au-rich magmas and crust-mantle differentiation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 118, 247-262.
        27. Liu, J., Wu, G., Li, Y., Zhu, M., Zhong, W. 2012. Re-Os sulfide (chalcopyrite, pyrite and molybdenite) systematics and fluid inclusion study of the Duobaoshan porphyry Cu (Mo) deposit, Heilongjiang Province, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 49(0), 300-312.
        28. Li, Y., Audétat, A. 2012. Partitioning of V, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Ag, Sn, Sb, W, Au, Pb, and Bi between sulfide phases and hydrous basanite melt at upper mantle conditions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 355-356, 327-340.
        29. Xiong, X., Liu, X., Zhu, Z., Li, Y., Xiao, W., Song, M., Zhang, S., Wu, J. 2011. Adakitic rocks and destruction of North China Craton: evidence from experimental petrology and geochemistry. Science China: Earth Sciences. 54, 858–870.
        30. Xiong, X., Keppler, H., Audétat, A., Ni, H., Sun, W., Li, Y. 2011. Partitioning of Nb and Ta between rutile and felsic melt and the fractionation of Nb/Ta during partial melting of hydrous metabasalt. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 75, 1673-1692.
        31. Li, Y., Audétat, A. 2009. A method to synthesize large fluid inclusions in quartz at controlled times and under unfavorable growth conditions. American Mineralogist. 94, 367-371.
        32. Xiong, X., Keppler, H., Audétat, A., Gudfinnsson, G., Sun, W., Song, M., Xiao, W., Li, Y. 2009. Experimental constraints on rutile saturation during partial melting of metabasalt at the amphibolite to eclogite transition, with applications to TTG genesis. American Mineralogist. 59, 1175-1186. 
        33. Li, Y., Audétat, A., Lerchbaumer, L., Xiong, X.L. 2009. Rapid Na, Cu exchange between synthetic fluid inclusions and external aqueous solutions: Evidence from LA-ICP-MS analysis. Geofluids. 9, 321-329.