
      學(xué)術(shù)活動(dòng):ID-TIMS high precision U-Pb geochronology applied to Snowball Earth, REE mineralization, and Speleothems (carbonate cave deposits)

      撰稿: 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-07-11



        Topic: ID-TIMS high precision U-Pb geochronology applied to Snowball Earth, REE mineralization, and Speleothems (carbonate cave deposits)

        Speaker: Prof. Qingzhu YIN (UC Davis, USA)

        Time: 10:00 AM, July 15th (Monday)


        Conference Room 701 of Main Building

        Brief Introduction of the Speaker:

        Prof. Qingzhu Yin is a world famous geochemical and planetary scientist. His research focuses on the following aspects: using extinct radioactivity and general isotopic anomalies in the early solar system recorded in primitive meteorites as a tool to study the time scales and site of nucleosynthesis, the time of formation of the solar system and planetary differentiation; isotope and trace element geochemistry with applications to crust-mantle evolution; heavy metal stable isotope fractionation in low temperature environments on planetary surfaces or in biological systems using newly emerging high precision mass spectrometry techniques; the development of associated experimental techniques involving high precision mass spectrometry and ultra-clean sample processing in Class-100 clean laboratories for isotope analyses.
