
      報告題目:Melting Process in Hawaiian Plume: Progress report of multi-anvil high-pressure laboratory in GIG

      撰稿: 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-12-19


      報告題目:Melting Process in Hawaiian Plume: Progress report of multi-anvil high-pressure laboratory in GIG
      報 告 人:Prof. Eiichi TAKAHASHI
      報告地點(diǎn):綜合樓701會(huì )議室

      Progress in the large volume Kawai-type multi-anvil laboratory at Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry since its set up in 2017 summer will be reviewed. Current condition of the pressure and temperature capability extends 15 to 25 GPa and 2300℃ using 10mm MgO octahedron, or 2 to 10 GPa and 1800℃ using 25mm octahedron. On going research projects including some published results will be briefly reviewed as well as future direction of the lab.
      Using the 25M assembly, melting experiments on basalt/peridotite samples were carried out between 2.9 and 8 GPa in order to understand melting process in Hawaii plume. It was found that Hawaiian tholeiite magma can be produced by extensive reaction melting between peridotite and recycled eclogite component at the top of the plume (100km depth and 1450-1500℃). In order to explain major element chemistry of Hawaiian tholeiite (Fe, K, Ti richer than NMORB) recycled eclogite should be similar to Fe-rich tholeiite which is common in Archean formation.
      Melting of recycled eclogite would start from deeper part of the ascending plume (200-100km depth) and would produce variety of partial melts. If eclogite component is rich in K2O, series of alkali-acidic magma (phonolite, trachyte, hawaiite) can be produced by partial melting of eclogite pocket. On the other hand, if eclogite as well as peridotite contains enough volatile component, reaction melting between eclogite and peridotite proceeds at deeper level and would create silica-deficient alkali magma (basanite, nephelinite). Based on the experimental results and geologic observation of series of magmatism in Hawaiian hot spot, magma genesis process in Hawaii plume will be discussed.
