
      Highly precise 182W/184W isotopic compositions of ocean island basalts through MC-ICP-MS

      撰稿: 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-08

      應李杰研究員邀請,日本JAMSTEC海底資源研發(fā)中心副主任SUZUKI Katsuhiko博士將于下周二上午做“同位素室學(xué)術(shù)報告”2018年第28次報告。歡迎大家參加并積極參與討論!

      報告題目:Highly precise 182W/184W isotopic compositions of ocean island basalts through MC-ICP-MS
      報 告 人:Dr. Katsuhiko SUZUKI (JAMSTEC, Japan)
      報告地點(diǎn):綜合樓701會(huì )議室

      Dr. Katsuhiko SUZUKI, the Deputy Director and Principal Scientist of Research and Development Center for Submarine Resources, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC),got his PhD degree from University of Tokyo in 1993, and was awarded as Excellent Young Geochemist by Geochemical Society of Japan for “Development of Re-Os dating method for sulfide minerals” in 1999. He has been working in JAMSTEC since 2003,and mainly engaged in the study of Isotope Geochemistry. He has published more than 100 papers in Nature, Nature-C, Geology, EPSL, GCA, and so on.

      182Hf-182W system could give constraints on core-mantle differentiation, especially core segregation, in the very early Earth system. Recent improvements of analytical techniques of W isotope analyses using TIMS and MC-ICP-MS allow to obtain highly precise 182W/184W ratios of terrestrial rocks, which led to findings of 182W anomalies (mostly positive) in old komatiites and young volcanic rocks.
      In our study, high-precision W isotope ratio measurement with MC-ICP-MS has been developed. We furthermore corrected the measured W isotope ratios of samples with the standard solution processed by the same method as that of the samples. This technique led to the reproducible W isotopic compositions with reproducibility of several ppm. We have obtained negative μ182W for the basalts with the high 3He/4He isotopic composition from the Loihi, Hawaii. As the Earth’s core should have a negative μ182W value of ca. -210, thus the Loihi samples we analyzed probably contain a component with a signature of core-mantle interaction.
