
      報告題目:Sulfate in saline fluid inclusions of the Pinatubo harzburgite xenoliths: an oxidizer in the mantle wedge

      撰稿: 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-18

      應Takahashi研究員邀請,日本Institute for Geothermal Sciences of Kyoto Univ的Dr. Tatsuhiko Kawamoto近期訪(fǎng)問(wèn)我所,并將于本周五上午做“同位素室學(xué)術(shù)報告”2018年第4次報告。歡迎大家參加并積極參與討論!
      報告題目:Sulfate in saline fluid inclusions of the Pinatubo harzburgite xenoliths: an oxidizer in the mantle wedge
      報 告 人:Dr. Tatsuhiko Kawamoto (Institute for Geothermal Sciences of Kyoto Univ, Japan)
      報告地點(diǎn):綜合樓701會(huì )議室

      Dr. Tatsuhiko Kawamoto of the Institute for Geothermal Sciences of Kyoto Univ (Japan) is world famous for his excellent research on the effect of water on mantle melting, the role of water in deep subducting process, and the nature of fluids in subduction magmatism. With K. Mibe and other colleagues, Kawamoto determined critical end-points between various magmas and aqueous fluids by using synchrotron based X-ray radiography, and he suggested a new hypothesis for subduction zone magmatism. Kawamoto found seawater-like saline fluid inclusions in mantle xenoliths beneath Pinatubo and others, proposing the importance of saline fluids in subduction zone process.

      Sulfate ion and minerals were found in the H2O–CO2–(Na0.75K0.25)Cl fluid inclusions in the harzburgite xenoliths from Pinatubo, a frontal volcano located at the Luzon arc, the Philippines (Kawamoto et al. PNAS 2013). Origin of the fluids in the Pinatubo harzburgite is supposed to be from serpentinites whose water was originally brought via sedimentary pore fluids on the basis of halogen systematics (Kobayashi et al., 2017 EPSL). Presence of sulfate ions in the slab-derived fluids provides insights into the genesis of calc-alkaline rock series characterized by a high oxygen fugacity (Miyashiro 1974 Am J Sci). Our observation solves the missing link between high-S in arc magmas (Le Voyer 2010 J Petrol) and presence of sulfate in the slab serpentinites (Alt et al. 2012) and high-pressure metamorphic rocks (Frezzotti and Ferrando 2007 Per Mineral).
