
      報告題目:The multi-collector revolution in 40Ar/39Ar dating: implications for time scale calibration

      撰稿: 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-07-13

      報告一:716日(星期六)上午10:00,地點(diǎn):綜合樓702會(huì )議室
      報告題目:The multi-collector revolution in 40Ar/39Ar dating: implications for time scale calibration
      報告二:716日(星期六)下午15:30,地點(diǎn):圖書(shū)情報樓64座會(huì )議室

      報告題目:The large, restless, rhyolitic magma system at Laguna del Maule, southern Andes: Its dynamics and hazards

      Brad S. Singer教授是美國威斯康星大學(xué)Ar-Ar實(shí)驗室主任,主要研究方向為高精度Ar-Ar年代學(xué)及其應用,是國際地質(zhì)年代學(xué)組織Earthtime的組織者之一,在提高定年精度和標定國際地質(zhì)年表方面做出了重要貢獻。
      Professor Singer’s research efforts are focused on the origin and evolution of arc magma, the timing
      and longevity of geomagnetic polarity reversals recorded by lava flows, and Quaternary paleoclimate in the southern hemisphere. Current projects involve geologic mapping and sample collection in the field, geochemical and isotopic characterization of volcanic rocks and their phenocrysts, paleomagnetic analysis, and dating using 40Ar/39Ar or cosmogenic surface exposure methods. Technological advances now poise the 40Ar/39Ar dating method to revolutionize the timescale for Pleistocene and even Holocene volcanism.

